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An open day in Bulgarian radwaste storage

AtomInfo.Ru, PUBLISHED 25.12.2014

An open day was held on 16 December 2014 in Bulgarian permanent storage of radioactive wastes Novi Han, writes AtomInfo.Bg.

The event was timed to the 50th anniversary of the storage.

Among the visitors were students and teachers of schools from the nearest settlements, veterans, students, journalists and relatives of employees of the store.

"It was very interesting. I'm not afraid of living near a nuclear facility," said to AtomInfo.Bg Alex, the scholar from Habra village.

The seventh-grader Eric from the village of Novi Han said that the greatest impression was the hot chamber: "The jrganisation is excellent. I am not afraid of the fact that I live eight miles from the storage, because I see that waste is very well preserved".

Topics: East Europe, Bulgaria

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