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Belarusian nuclear industry workers complete Rosenergoatom training courses

BelTA, PUBLISHED 27.12.2024

Over 1,200 specialists from various countries completed training in Russian education centers and at nuclear power plants (branches of the Rosenergoatom concern) in 2024. Belarusian nuclear industry workers were among them, BelTA learned from the Belarusian office of the Russian state nuclear industry corporation Rosatom.

Not only Belarusians completed these courses. Nuclear industry workers from Egypt, Hungary, Tьrkiye, Bangladesh, and China underwent training. It was noted that the comprehensive training of personnel of foreign nuclear power plants meets international standards.

Rosenergoatom also arranges internships for university students from Belarus, who will operate the nuclear power plant outside Ostrovets. Theoretical studies, practicing on an equipment simulator, and internship at existing nuclear power plants and nuclear power plants under construction will help them safely and efficiently operate VVER-1200 reactors.

Alexander Vysochin, head of the office in charge of training personnel of foreign nuclear power plants in the Personnel Training Department of the Rosenergoatom concern, said: “We have all the necessary technical tools for training. We also have highly qualified instructors, an educational and procedural framework, and the ability to organize training at existing reactors. The combination of theory and practice allows achieving a high level of competences of the personnel we train.”

Topics: Belarus, Rosatom

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