Tehran wants U.S. expelled from IAEA

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Saturday nuclear powers such as the United States should be expelled from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

In his address to a two-day international disarmament conference, The Nuclear Energy for All, Nuclear Weapons for None, which opened in Tehran on Saturday, Ahmadinejad offered his vision of a world free of nuclear weapons.

He said that the United States and its vast arsenal of atomic warheads, is delaying the long-awaited prospect of global nuclear disarmament, while its ongoing development of atomic weapons as part of the so-called deterrence policy has been the main reason behind the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in recent years.

"Washington has not only applied nuclear weapons against other nations, but has for years threatened to use weapons of mass destruction against countries in order to gain the upper hand," the Iranian president said as quoted by Press TV.

He said such countries "have no place [in the UN nuclear watchdog] or its Board of Governors."

Ahmadinejad called for an independent supervision committee to be set up to oversee global nuclear disarmament in the international community.

The conference brought together representatives from 60 countries, including China, Russia, Pakistan, Iraq, Turkey and France.

Iran's supreme leader told the forum the United States' atomic weapons were a tool of terror and intimidation.

"The deceptive policy by the sole nuclear offender, which falsely claims to be advocating the non-proliferation of nuclear arms while doing nothing substantive for this cause, will never succeed," Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said.


DATE: April 18, 2010

Topics: Asia, Iran, USA

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