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PRIS - 20 thousand reactor years
The global nuclear energy industry has reached a landmark milestone. According to the PRIS database maintained by the IAEA, the total number of reactor years of operation of nuclear power units in the world has exceeded 20 thousand.
To date, the PRIS base has 415 nuclear power units in operation. Its total installed net capacity is 373.735 GWe.
The operation of 25 power units with a total net capacity of 21.272 GWe has been suspended. Almost all of it are located in Japan (21 units), where post-Fukushima safety checks are ongoing.
62 power units with a total capacity of 64.971 GWe are under construction. The undisputed leader is China, where 28 power units are being built. It should be noted...

Monument to A.I.Leipunsky opened in Obninsk

Kudankulam-1 celebrated its 10th anniversary

Nuclear News Ticker - April 12, 2021

Nuclear News Ticker - January 30, 2021

Nuclear News Ticker - January 19, 2021

Nuclear News Ticker - November 09, 2020

Lev Kochetkov turns 90 years
We are pleased and proud to meet Lev Alekseevich, as well as the fact that Lev Alekseevich is one of our frequent interlocutors. The AtomInfo.Ru online newspaper published L.A.Kochetkov memoirs about the First NPP, about the first Beloyarsk units, about the history of the fast program in the world from mercury to sodium.
The editorial board of the AtomInfo.Ru joins the congratulations of colleagues and wishes Lev Alekseevich scientific longevity, good health, happiness and new creative success!

Monument to Nikolay Dollezhal is opened in Moscow

The monument to the pioneers in nuclear energy was inaugurated in Obninsk

New American submarine will be named after admiral Rickover

Lugansk commemorated Chernobyl liquidators

Congratulatory greetings to Anatoly Zrodnikov
Anatoly Zrodnikov was born November 20, 1944 in the city of Zaraysk (Moscow region). After graduating in 1969, he joined the IPPE, where he was working at different position starting from a senior laboratory assistant to director (1996-2010) and the scientific supervisor. Zrodnikov took an active part in the creation of national space nuclear power plants, including BUK and TOPAZ reactors. The AtomInfo.Ru online edition joins the congratulations of colleagues and wished to Anatoly Zrodnikov the longevity in the science, the good health, the happiness and new successes!

Victor Severianinov: confession of an operative
I am a Muscovite, I joined the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute after the front and graduated from this university in 1954. Two years before that, I had visited Obninsk to undergo practical trainings as a forth-year student. I had been in the Laboratory B for a month. Finally, I and my fellow students - the whole group, about ten students - were sent to Obninsk.
We didn't object to such a turn in our destinies, and at that time it was impossible to object. Frankly speaking, we all were really very glad. Our teachers on the question about the place of our future work usually were giving the following answer: Not closer than Urals and not further than Baikal. And we found ourselves on the object that was only 100 km from Moscow. Of course we were glad, frankly speaking.
Everything happened this way. We have been given a room, Ninel arrived (Ninel Andreevna - Victor Sergeevich's wife). I turned over my duties of an engineer-physicist to my wife and began working at the reactor control desk.

From abacus to TOPAZ - guided tour in IPPE museum
Look at these unique exhibits. Here you can see the block of graphite sharing of the First NPP, and behind it - simple abacus of Mikhail Egorovich Minashin. Namely these historical abacus were used to make physical and thermal designs of the First NPP in the world.
The way this abacus appeared in the museum that is another story. We have started a new educational program Nuclear project in the grandchildrens eyes. Grandniece of Mikhail Egorovich wrote a work about her father that was successfully presented on one regional and two All-Russian student's conferences. Grandmother decided to hand over to the museum such a rear relic as gratitude.
Abacus was used to add and subtract, and a slide line - to divide and multiply. This way were implemented rough calculations. And a more precise technique was in the neighboring room: young girls were chattering by the arithmometers. Operations that demanded weeks and months at that time now are made in a split second by modern computers.

Finnish expert says Sweden losing nuclear energy know-how

Hero of the day

Core Catcher for Unit 3 has been delivered to the Construction Site of El-Dabaa NPP

Core Catcher for Unit 3 has been delivered to the Construction Site of El-Dabaa NPP

The vessel delivering the components of the Core Catcher for Unit 3 left the port of Novorossiysk and arrived to the construction site of the El-Dabaa NPP at the end of June.




Ma Wenjun also emphasized that CNNC has consistently upheld an open and collaborative approach, hoping to work together with international counterparts to accelerate the development of nuclear energy, contributing to addressing challenges such as climate change and nuclear safety.


Han Yongjiang

Han Yongjiang
To develop the new quality productive forces, it is necessary to carry out reforms to eliminate obstacles to development. In 2023, CNNC adjusted the ownership of some of its subsidiaries and formed a unified industrial platform, aiming to promote the development of the nuclear technology application industry.


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