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Kudankulam-1 celebrated its 10th anniversary

AtomInfo.Ru, PUBLISHED 25.10.2023

The tenth anniversary of the operation was celebrated at the Kudankulam-1 power unit. This is the first power unit in India with a VVER-1000 reactor.

The unit was synchronized with the Indian power grid on October 22, 2013. Currently, its net capacity is 932 MWe.

As noted on the website of the Rosatom engineering division, the seventh fuel cycle with an extended 18-month fuel cycle is currently underway on the unit.

Topics: Asia, History, NPP Koodankulam

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The secondary sources are already helping to reduce the consumption of natural uranium for the operation of nuclear power plants, but the main breakthrough in the efficiency of uranium use is expected after the widespread introduction of the closed nuclear fuel cycle (NFC).



It provided an opportunity for senior leaders in the industry globally to come together to network and build relationships with their peers, discuss the progress of the global industry improvement initiative, Action for Excellence - Shaping the Nuclear Future (AfE), and take necessary actions towards improving industry performance worldwide.
