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TVEL subsidiary contracts supplies of nuclear fuel components for research reactor in Egypt

TVEL, PUBLISHED 24.11.2022

During the International Forum Atomexpo-2022 in Sochi, Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant (NCCP, an enterprise of TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom) and the Egyptian Atomic Energy Agency (EAEA) signed the contractual documents for supplies of low-enriched fuel components to Egypt.

The cooperation is based on the long-term contract for the supplies of nuclear fuel components for the ETRR-2 reactor in Egypt. The product range includes uranium components as well as products made of aluminum alloy and aluminum powder. The shipment will be provided in 2023. Also, by the end of 2022, another batch be supplied to Egypt in compliance with the previously signed contractual documents.

ETRR-2, a research reactor of Argentinian design, is based at the Nuclear Research Center in Inshas, Egypt. It is used for research in particle physics and material studies, as well as for production of radioisotopes.

The prospects of TVEL's business development in Egypt also embrace supply of nuclear fuel to all four power units of the 4800 MWe El Dabaa NPP for the entire operation period, the fuel contract came into force in 2017.

Topics: NFC, Research reactors, Egypt, TVEL

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Zhao Xuelin,<br>Wang Ying

Zhao Xuelin,
Wang Ying

The nuclear submarine cooperation among the US, the UK and Australia relates to the integrity, validity and authority of NPT, and the related safeguards concern the interests of all IAEA members.


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