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Uganda chooses sites

AtomInfo.Ru, PUBLISHED 17.05.2022

Uganda is preparing to launch a program for the development of nuclear energy. The first nuclear kilowatt-hours in this African country should be produced in 2031, if, of course, everything goes according to plan.

An important part of the work that must be done at the early stages is the identification of candidate sites.

"We mapped the whole country to see which site could house a nuclear power plant, and stopped at eight sites in the Buyende, Nakasongola, Kiruhura, Kasanda and Lamwo districts," said Robert Kilewa, a specialist in the atomic energy department of the Ugandan ministry of energy and mineral development.

Kileva took part in a seminar last week, the purpose of which was to raise awareness of the national media about regulation in the field of the use of atomic energy.

"We have not yet decided on which of the sites to place a nuclear power plant. Now we rank it by proximity to the water supply, geology, absence of floods and the least populated area for evacuation of people in the unlikely event of an emergency," Kileva explained.

"As a country, we are actively preparing (for the start of the nuclear program). Our regulatory body is doing everything possible to make sure we are doing the right thing."

The expert emphasized that Uganda has no intentions to create nuclear weapons. The Ugandan nuclear will be exclusively peaceful.

Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni also categorically insists on a peaceful nature of nuclear program. He explains the country's interest in nuclear technologies by the presence of uranium deposits and the lack of energy capacity.

During a recent meeting with the IAEA delegation , Museveni declared: "Uganda and Africa as a whole are interested in electricity, not nuclear weapons."

Uganda's path to the first nuclear power plant does not promise to be smooth. So, the first anti-nuclear protests have already begun in the country.

Residents of Mukono district expressed dissatisfaction with the plans to place the plant with them, after which the government atomic energy council had to explain that Mukono district was not included in the list of applicants for the construction of a nuclear power plant.

Topics: Africa

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