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TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom will supply new model of nuclear fuel to Bushehr NPP in Iran

TVEL Fuel Company, PUBLISHED 20.06.2018

TVEL JSC, the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran and Nuclear Power Production and Development Company of Iran have signed an additional agreement to the current commercial contract for nuclear fuel supply to the Bushehr NPP.

The document is aimed at the replacement of nuclear fuel model for the first operational power unit of Bushehr NPP with a VVER-1000 reactor.

Thus, UTVS fuel assemblies, currently supplied to the power plant, will be replaced with more advanced TVS-2M bundles.

Within the project, Russian engineers will provide all necessary calculations and justifications for licensing of the new fuel model by the regulatory authority. The first supply of TVS-2M fuel assemblies to Iran is scheduled for 2020.

In comparison with UTVS fuel, the new-generation TVS-2M bundles are distinguished by higher uranium capacity, fuel burn-up, and in-pile stiffness. The introduction of the new model of nuclear fuel will allow to advance technical and economic performance of the power plant operation, as well as reduce the amount of spent nuclear fuel.

"TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom in close cooperation with its customers constantly works on introduction of new models and modifications of nuclear fuel to improve the efficiency of nuclear power plants. For those VVER-1000 reactors which have used UTVS fuel, the transition to TVS-2M is optimal in terms of technological consistency. Such replacement has already been carried out at all relevant nuclear power units in Russia, and we will continue such work together with our foreign partners," said Alexander Ugryumov, Vice President for R&D at TVEL JSC.

Topics: NFC, TVEL, NPP Bushehr

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Vladimir Kriventsev

Vladimir Kriventsev
Actually, the duration of the NAPRO project will be five years. It was started in 2013 and it shall be completed in 2018. The NAPRO CRP attracted a lot of participants. And here I would like to thank Argonne National Laboratory, which is a very good contributor. I have to mention also the important contribution of the Obninsk IPPE for the part of the project concerning the thermalhydraulic data.


Siegfried Hecker

Siegfried Hecker
When I look at the past, I've always thought that cooperation was extremely important.My feeling is that we did a lot of good; there were a lot of benefits to both countries. It's often not appreciated that it was actually beneficial to both countries. Itis unfortunate that it came pretty much to an end between U.S. and Russia.


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