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NPCIL may consider PHWR-220 construction

KAPP-4 achieves first criticality

Kakrapar-3 unit has been put into commercial operation

India - turtle pace
The largest project in the Indian nuclear power industry is a plan for the fleet mode construction of ten power units with PHWR-700 reactors, or IPHWR-700 (Indian PHWR), as they are called in India.
Nuclear companies have started contracting equipment for the future fleet, but the construction start dates are constantly shifting to the right. In addition, the start of the head unit (not included in the series!) with the IPHWR-700 is difficult.
The role of the head unit went to unit No. 3 of the Kakrapar NPP. It began to be built in November 2010 and was first synchronized with the grid only in January 2021.
It was expected that the unit would be put into commercial operation in March 2021. In reality, Kakrapar-3 has not...

444 nuclear units are operating in the world, 51 units are under construction

Nuclear News Ticker - November 28, 2020

Hero of the day

Rosatom starts installation of the BREST-OD-300 4th generation reactor

Rosatom starts installation of the BREST-OD-300 4th generation reactor

The steel reactor baseplate with the total weight of 165 tons has been installed. The workers have also loaded into the reactor shaft the first part of the reactor vessel - the lower tier of the containment.




Ma Wenjun also emphasized that CNNC has consistently upheld an open and collaborative approach, hoping to work together with international counterparts to accelerate the development of nuclear energy, contributing to addressing challenges such as climate change and nuclear safety.



It provided an opportunity for senior leaders in the industry globally to come together to network and build relationships with their peers, discuss the progress of the global industry improvement initiative, Action for Excellence - Shaping the Nuclear Future (AfE), and take necessary actions towards improving industry performance worldwide.


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