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WANO hosts industry leaders from 26 countries at its Global CNO Forum in Abu Dhabi

WANO, PUBLISHED 23.10.2023

WANO hosted its annual Global Chief Nuclear Officers (CNO) Forum 2023 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Thursday 19 and Friday 20 October 2023.

It provided an opportunity for senior leaders in the industry globally to come together to network and build relationships with their peers, discuss the progress of the global industry improvement initiative, Action for Excellence - Shaping the Nuclear Future (AfE), and take necessary actions towards improving industry performance worldwide.

In addition, it provided a chance for delegates to address key challenges and opportunities, exchange information, and discuss best practices in maximising the safety and reliability of the world's plants and utilities.

Dr Naoki Chigusa, WANO Chief Executive officer, addressed the delegates and commented:

"The Forum enables CNOs and their equivalents to share information, support each other, and collaborate to achieve sustainable improvements under the AfE initiative.

I'm pleased that our delegates demonstrated a strong commitment to unite as a community of nuclear operators that is cohesive, highly collaborative, and fully committed to safe and reliable nuclear plant operations.

With each member taking practical steps to improve individual station and overall industry performance, together we can shape a positive future for the industry as a safe, reliable generator of low carbon electricity."

Topics included an analysis of global industry performance and trends, and a review of how AfE will improve global performance.

The event featured member case studies from speakers on how a station took prompt action to improve performance and ensure sustainable results, and another on how a new unit achieved high levels of performance with support from WANO.

Topics: WANO

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The secondary sources are already helping to reduce the consumption of natural uranium for the operation of nuclear power plants, but the main breakthrough in the efficiency of uranium use is expected after the widespread introduction of the closed nuclear fuel cycle (NFC).



In addition, the government instructed the Ministry of Energy to take steps to cancel the procedure for selecting a strategic investor for the Belene NPP, announced by the National Electric Company (NEC) of Bulgaria.



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