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Japanese regulators have approved the extension of the life of the Takahama-1 unit

AtomInfo.Ru, PUBLISHED 16.10.2024

The Japanese Nuclear Regulatory Agency has approved the extension of the life of Unit No. 1 of the Takahama nuclear power plant.

The Takahama-1 unit with a three-loop PWR reactor was first synchronized with the grid in November 1974. Thus, in November 2024, it will turn 50 years old, and it is the oldest among the active Japanese units.

The Japanese Kyodo news agency notes that this is the first time that regulators have allowed the operation of a nuclear power unit to continue after reaching the age of 50.

Topics: Asia, Japan

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Since 2015, WANO has successfully completed more than 160 missions to assist in the startup of new builds. We were happy to welcome delegates from new entrant countries including Ghana, Kenya and Poland, who had their first BGM experience.



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