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ROSATOM showcases advanced nuclear technologies and logistical solutions at 8th Russia-China Expo

Rosatom, PUBLISHED 18.05.2024

Alexey Likhachev, Director General of ROSATOM, reported to the President of Russia and the Vice Premier of China on the corporation's major achievements in nuclear technology and the prospects for expanding the strategic partnership between Russia and China.

On the opening day of the 8th Russia-China Expo, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese Vice Premier Han Zheng reviewed the key achievements resulting from the long-term cooperation between Russia and China in the field of nuclear technologies. These were presented by Alexey Likhachev at ROSATOM's exhibition stand.

"Over the past 25 years, ROSATOM and our Chinese partners have reached a high level of collaboration, with mutual commitments amounting to more than 23 billion USD. We have successfully completed projects involving the construction of four power units at the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant, which demonstrate some of the highest efficiency indicators in the world. Additionally, another four nuclear power units at two sites are in active stages of construction," said Alexey Likhachev. He added that ROSATOM has a full chain of advanced solutions in the nuclear fuel cycle, enabling the supply of fuel and NFC products to support China's growing fleet of nuclear power plants.

Alexey Likhachev also highlighted promising areas for strategic partnership, including the development of fourth-generation nuclear reactors and projects in nuclear medicine.Beyond nuclear projects, Alexey Likhachev outlined a range of solutions aimed at enhancing technological sovereignty, with logistics being a flagship focus. He announced the creation of a Subcommission for the Development of the Northern Sea Route under the Russia-China Intergovernmental Commission, which he will co-chair with the Chinese Minister of Transport, Li Xiaopeng.

"In 2023, transit through the Northern Sea Route between Russia and China totaled 2 million tons. We see potential to increase this figure more than 20-fold, reaching 50 million tons by 2030. We are also collaborating with our partners on several infrastructure projects to optimize this vital global route," reported Alexey Likhachev.

ROSATOM is actively cooperating with China in several key areas of nuclear energy, including the construction and fuel supply for nuclear power plant units, fast neutron reactor technologies, and closing the nuclear fuel cycle.

The Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant is the most significant economic cooperation project between Russia and China in nuclear energy. Currently, two power units with the VVER-1200 reactor technology of Russian design are being constructed. Upon commissioning Units 7 and 8, Tianwan NPP will become the largest operational nuclear power plant in the world. The previously constructed four VVER-1000 units, designed by Russia, are successfully operating and supplying millions of kilowatts of energy to the national grid. On June 8, 2018, an Intergovernmental Protocol and a framework contract were signed in Beijing for the construction of Units 7 and 8 with VVER-1200 reactors. The contract was signed by the Engineering Division of Rosatom and CNNC enterprises. According to these documents, the Russian side designed the nuclear island and will supply key equipment for the nuclear island for both units. Additionally, a contract for the technical design for Units 7 and 8 and a general contract for the same units were signed. Under the signed contracts, the Engineering Division will carry out the design and supply of documentation and equipment for the nuclear island, along with providing related services. Construction work on Units 7 and 8 began on May 19, 2021.

The Xudabao Nuclear Power Plant is another collaboration project, located in Huludao City, Liaoning Province. In 2019, a series of contracts were signed, including a general contract for the construction of Units 3 and 4 with VVER-1200 reactors, and a contract for the supply of nuclear fuel. According to the contracts, the Russian side will design the plant's nuclear island, supply key equipment for the nuclear island for both power units, and provide services for design supervision, chief installation, and commissioning of the supplied equipment. The units are scheduled to be commissioned in 2027-2028.

The 8th Russia-China Expo 2024 is held at the International Congress and Exhibition Center in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province. The event is organized by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, the People's Government of Heilongjiang Province, the Ministry of Economic Development, and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. The Expo serves as an important trade and industrial congress and exhibition platform, promoting the expansion and diversification of the Russia-China partnership.

Topics: Rosatom, China

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Ma Wenjun also emphasized that CNNC has consistently upheld an open and collaborative approach, hoping to work together with international counterparts to accelerate the development of nuclear energy, contributing to addressing challenges such as climate change and nuclear safety.


Han Yongjiang

Han Yongjiang
To develop the new quality productive forces, it is necessary to carry out reforms to eliminate obstacles to development. In 2023, CNNC adjusted the ownership of some of its subsidiaries and formed a unified industrial platform, aiming to promote the development of the nuclear technology application industry.
