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Lower part of inner containment dome installed at Tianwan NPP Unit 8

Communications Division of Rosatom Engineering Division, PUBLISHED 23.03.2024

The lower part of the inner containment dome has been installed in design position at Unit 8 of Tianway NPP, which is under construction in China under the Russian VVER-1200 design.

Large metal structures were pre-assembled on the ground on a separate stand. The total weight of the structure was 375.5 tons.

"Installation of the dome on the reactor building is one of the key milestones on the construction site. This is an important event that has been implemented at Unit 8. In the nearest months, the reactor containment will be installed and concreted, and installation of the main equipment of the reactor compartment will start - the reactor vessel, the steam generators and the reactor coolant pipeline", said Alexey Bannik, Vice President for Projects in China and Prospective Projects of Atomstroyexport JSC.

Further, the specialists will assembly and install the upper part of the dome into the design position and perform welding operations to connect the metal structures of the lower and the upper tiers. After the completion of installation works of the dome, the builders will continue concreting of the containment.

Topics: Asia, China, NPP Tianwan

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Ma Wenjun also emphasized that CNNC has consistently upheld an open and collaborative approach, hoping to work together with international counterparts to accelerate the development of nuclear energy, contributing to addressing challenges such as climate change and nuclear safety.



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