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Core Catcher for Unit 2 has been delivered to the construction site of the El-Dabaa NPP

Communications Unit of Rosatom Engineering Division, PUBLISHED 30.10.2023

On October 25, 2023, the Core Catcher for Unit 2 has been successfully delivered to the construction site of the El-Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant in the Arab Republic of Egypt (its General Designer and General Contractor being the Engineering Division of ROSATOM).

The Core Catcher is one of the main passive safety systems of the El-Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant and it is part of the most advanced technology for VVER-1200 generation III+ reactors.

The shipment carrying the three main components of the Core Catcher departed from the Russian Federation on October 17, 2023. The total weight of the cargo is 455 tons and it was delivered ahead of schedule.

"Today another key event has taken place for our project, with the delivery of a long lead equipment to the construction site of the El-Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant. The installation works related to the Core Catcher for Unit 1 commenced earlier this month and the installation of the Core Catcher for Unit 2 is scheduled to take place before the end of the year. These achievements are the result of the well-coordinated work of Atomstroyexport JSC, the EPC Contractor and the Nuclear Power Plants Authority, the Owner." said Alexey Kononenko, ASE JSC Vice President - Project Director for the construction of the El-Dabaa NPP.

Topics: Africa, Egypt

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The secondary sources are already helping to reduce the consumption of natural uranium for the operation of nuclear power plants, but the main breakthrough in the efficiency of uranium use is expected after the widespread introduction of the closed nuclear fuel cycle (NFC).



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