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Next stage of containment installation was completed at Akkuyu-3

Akkuyu Nuclear, PUBLISHED 05.11.2022

The second tier of the internal containment (IC), which refers to the main components of the nuclear power plant's safety system, was installed in the reactor building at Power Unit 3 of Akkuyu NPP. The containment was installed by the pre-assembly method, which permits to save its construction time.

The IC second tier is a metal structure composed of 24 assembly blocks or grades. The total weight of the pre-assembled tier constitutes more than 330 tons, with a diameter of more than 20 meters. The structure installation at Unit 3 of Akkuyu NPP was performed using a heavy caterpillar crane Liebherr LR 13000.

The tier installation took about 7 hours. The height of the Power Unit 3 reactor building increased by 12 m after installation and it reached the level of 16.9 meters.

"IC is an important element of the reactor compartment. It ensures nuclear and environmental safety, being one of the largest structural elements of the reactor building. The next construction stage of the leak-tight dome in the reactor building is the construction of the IC third tier. But before that, we should perform reinforcing and concreting works and install special formwork on the second tier," commented Sergei Butckikh, First Deputy Chief Executive Officer - Director of the NPP under construction. In addition to the reactor building internal containment, the construction project for the innovative Russian power units equipped with Generation III VVER-1200 reactors provides for the external containment construction. It is required to protect the reactor plant equipment from any external impacts.

Construction and installation works at Akkuyu NPP site are ongoing at all sections of the main and auxiliary facilities construction: four power units, onshore hydraulic structures, power evacuation systems, administrative buildings, training center, physical protection facilities of the future NPP.

Topics: Asia, Turkey, NPP Akkuyu

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