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438 nuclear units are operating in the world, 56 units are under construction

AtomInfo.Ru, PUBLISHED 10.08.2022

The current number of the operating nuclear power units in the world is equal to 438. These data are presented in the PRIS database supported by the IAEA.

Another 56 units have the status of the being built one.

Since the beginning of 2022, five new units have been connected to the grid - "Fuqing-6", "Hongyanhe-6" (both China), "Karachi-3" (Pakistan), "Olkiluoto-3" (Finland) and "Shin-Hanul-1" (South Korea).

The construction was started on five new units - "Tianwan-8", "Xudabu-4" and "Sanmen-3" (all China), "ElDabaa-1" (Egypt) and "Akkuyu-4" (Turkey).

Four units were permanently shutdown - "Hunterstone B-2", "Hinkley Point B-2" and "Hinkley Point B-1" (all Great Britain) and "Palisades-1" (USA).

Topics: IAEA, Africa, Egypt

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