TVEL Subsidiary to Supply Refuelling Machines for Akkuyu NPP
TVEL, PUBLISHED 06.08.2020
Central Institute of Design and Technology (CPTI JSC, an enterprise of Rosatom's TVEL Fuel Company) has been awarded and has signed the contract for supply of refuelling machines (RM) for Units 1-4 of Akkuyu NPP which is being constructed by Rosatom Russian State Corporation in Turkey, based on Russian project.
Under the contract, CPTI will provide development of the technical documentation, supply RMs for each power unit at Akkuyu NPP, and installation. The equipment will be manufactured in Russia.
CPTI has already begun to develop the technical project and necessary design documentation for manufacture of the RM for the Power Unit No. 1 of Akkuyu NPP - its supply is scheduled on 2022. The equipment supply for all four power units is to be provided by 2025, completion of installation - by the early 2026.
Topics: Nuclear industry, Turkey, TVEL
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