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Rosatom fabricated nuclear fuel for initial loading at Unit 2 of Belarus NPP

TVEL, PUBLISHED 21.05.2019

Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant (NCCP, anenterprise of TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom) has successfully completed the final inspection of the initial loading fuel batch for Unit 2 at Belarus NPP, which is under construction in Ostrovets, Grodno region, Republic of Belarus.

A batch of 152 fuel assemblies for VVER-1200 reactor was fabricated at NCCP under the contract between TVEL JSC and ASE JSC (manages the engineering division of Rosatom), the general contractor for Belarus NPP construction.

The final inspection has been carried out by the representatives of ASE, VPO ZAES (an authorized company with a license for nuclear fuel acceptance), Belarus NPP Republican Unitary Enterprise, as well as Belarus Gosatomnadzor national nuclear regulator. The inspectors could review all required documents, NCCP manufacturing process including numerous quality control stages, finished fuel assemblies, as well as the process of product placing in nuclear fuel casks for their further transportation.A similar final inspection of the initial loadingfuel for Unit 1 of Belarus NPP was successfully carried out at NCCP in November, 2018.

"The fuel division of Rosatomhas met its obligations to fabricate fuel for both units of Belarus NPP strictly on schedule. In future, besidesthe NCCP site, we consider fabrication of fresh nuclear fuel for this power plant at Machine-building Plant in Elektrostalas well. Each fuel fabricationfacilityatTVEL Fuel Company has its ownprofile, meanwhile both of them have expertise ofproduction of VVER-1200 fuel. This enables us to timely supply nuclear fuel to all NPPs with advanced and most efficient Gen 3+ power units, both operational and those under construction in Russia, Belarus, and other countries where Rosatom is constructing NPPs of similar design," Mikhail Zarubin, Senior Vice President for Production at TVEL JSC, commented.

TVEL JSC and Belarus NPP Republican Unitary Enterprisesigned the contract for direct nuclear fuel supplies to units 1 and 2 at the nuclear power plant (starting from the second refueling) in December, 2017.

Topics: NFC, East Europe, Belarus, TVEL

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For each nation or region, the scope and depth of governmental supervision on export controls over organisations should be proportionate to what type of organisation it is, its track record, and the risk to proliferation it poses.


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