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New Book of Victor Murogov

AtomInfo.Ru, PUBLISHED 06.10.2017

Dear readers, the collection we call your attention to, contains articles and interviews published by electronic publishing office "AtomInfo.Ru" throughout 10 years, i.e. since 2006 to 2016. The information encompasses a broad range of issues joined together by one subject field: "The history, status, problems and outlooks for nuclear power development in this country and abroad".

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Owing to lucky stars the author has the opportunity to be involved in the processes reflected both from "inside", having worked his way up from a research officer to the head of the country largest research center, i.e. SRC RF IPPE (Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk) and "outside", working as one of IAEA senior officials in Vienna, Austria (International Atomic Energy Agency, a worldwide governmental UN organization in charge of peaceful development of nuclear technology and science). Accordingly, the collection contains the following sections indicative of the author's interests and views:

I. Nuclear power - prospects and problems in the country and throughout the world. IAEA International Project INPRO.

In this section, among other things, an attempt is made to describe from the "inside" the mechanism governing the development of the IAEA program priorities. The role of the "Russian" department of the Agency Nuclear Energy Department in the development of initiatives, which have become the most important ones and now define the "technical" entity of IAEA in the new century, is shown, specifically:

      - International Project of Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO).

      - Program of Nuclear Knowledge Management (data acquisition, storage and transfer).

      - Program of Developing the Requirements to Infrastructure of the Countries Developing and Planning to Embark on Nuclear Energy.

      - Program of Comparative Analysis of Diverse Energy Sources, i.e. traditional fossil fuel, renewable alternative sources and nuclear energy.

II. Nuclear Power: innovation development, nuclear culture and education.

Discussion of the issues relating to importance of innovation development and role of nuclear education in the nuclear culture development and sustenance: safety, environment and nonproliferation.

III. International Union of Veterans of the Nuclear Energy and Industry.

The role of nuclear veterans in the retention and transfer of expertise and knowledge to the young generation. The International Union of Veterans of the Nuclear Energy and Industry (IUVNEI), consolidating specialists of 11 East European countries from Kazakhstan to Finland, plays an important role in the process.

IV. IAEA and international regulations for nuclear activities: Safety and Nonproliferation. Description and analysis of the IAEA activities, change in priorities of its program and supervisory activities in enhancement of "global" pattern of the international "nuclear" practices.

Publication of the data proved possible owing to understanding and support on the part of the editors' office and, above all, Uvarov Aleksander Aleksandrovich as its editor-in-chief, as well as Deniskina Nonna Borisovna, the managing editor of the publication.

I consider it a pleasure to express my gratitude to my work fellows at IAE and MEPhI, SRC IPPE and SRC KI, at IAEA and in the Union of Veterans (IUVNEI) for useful discussions, advice and proposals. I cannot but to extend thanks personally to A.A. Andrianov, V.M. Kupriyanov, P.L. Kirillov, Yu.A. Korovin, S.A. Subbotin, L.V. Tocheny, V.S Kagramanyan, Yu.P. Saraev. Similarly, I cannot but to call to memory of dearly departed A.I. Voropaev, V.G.Ilyunin, E.M. Akimov, A.V. Klimenko, N.S.Rabotnov, M.F.Troyanov - we cherish the memory of them.

I would like to express my deep appreciation for Lyudmila Yur'evna, whose unyielding support and solicitude helped the materials come into existence.

V. Murogov, 04.07.2017.

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Electronic version of the book (format docx):

      - cover;

      - introduction and contents (in Russian);

      - introduction and contents (in English);

      - section I;

      - section II;

      - section III;

      - section IV.

Topics: Victor Murogov, Opinions

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