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Representatives of the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority visited Novovoronezhskaya NPP-2

Press Service of Akkuyu NPP, PUBLISHED 31.12.2013

Delegation of the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEK) visited the construction site of Novovoronezhskaya NPP-2 which is referential for Akkuyu NPP. The three-day program of the visit was prepared by the Project Company Akkuyu NPP within the activity of the Russian and Turkish working group related to consideration of technical solutions on safety of the construction project of the first atomic plant in Turkey. The delegation was accompanied by employees of Akkuyu NPP and Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC (subsidiary company of the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”).

The head of the Turkish delegation, Kadir Oguzkhan Alifendioglu, called the familiarity with safety systems of the referential NPP as the principal purpose of the visit to Novovoronezhskaya NPP-2. “Safety of the atomic plant is the main issue for any and all citizens of the Republic of Turkey. TAEK goals include assurance of the atomic facility safety within the territory of our country”.

The chief engineer of the plant, Viktor Vagner, and managers of the main subdivisions welcomed the delegation at the Directorate of Novovoronezhskaya NPP-2 under construction. A number of the presentations highlighting the multi-level safety system, quality control of the main stages of complex equipment production and processes of cooperation between construction organizations and a customer was introduced to the foreign visitors.

A report on progress of Novovoronezhskaya NPP-2 construction was presented by the deputy chief safety engineer, Dmitry Statsura. He told about peculiarities of the project and about basic technological solutions applicable in construction of the atomic plant. Representatives of the Turkish regulator asked a lot of questions and separately and shortly discussed an issue of cooperation of the plant under construction with the controlling Russian and international authorities. Dmitry Statsura noted that construction is carried out strictly in accordance with regulations and rules of either Russian or International standards. Number of inspections at the plant is up to 50 per a year exclusive of continuous quality control to be carried out by customer’s services, general contractor and subcontracting organizations.

After the presentation, TAEK’s representatives were shown the whole infrastructure of the construction site of Novovoronezhskaya NPP-2. At the construction site the delegation was accompanied by the deputy of the chief operation engineer, Igor Gusev, who answered in detail multiple questions of the Turkish delegation. He told in detail about process of adjustment of the equipment currently transferred for commissioning operations. Gusev showed the Turkish colleagues the switch house (indoor switchgear) where high voltage testing is carried out at the moment. After completion thereof it would be possible to supply electric energy to technical needs of NNP and organization of commissioning operations at all systems of power units. During the examination the guests visited the auxiliary boiler where the commissioning operations are in the process of completion at the moment, held discourse with specialists of the control room where the whole equipment of the boiler is under observance.

Professional discussion of Turkish specialists and specialists of NV NPP-2 continued in the main building of the reactor of the 1st unit, which is planned to be put into commission already in 2014. In the building of the reactor the reactor facility equipment (reactor, pressure compensation valve, steam generators) was demonstrated to TAEK delegation.

The foreign guests familiarized with the unique example of innovative Russian atomic technologies – passive heat removal system (PHRS), which is applied in Russia during NPP construction. Management of Novovoronezhskaya NPP-2 provided opportunity for the Turkish specialists, at the first time as a part of a like meeting, to visit a melt location system (melt catcher). This system is located in the concrete vault under the reactor vessel and is meant for detention and cooling of liquid and firm fuel fragments in case of outflow of the core from the reactor vessel.

The deputy chief engineer of the installation and construction department (ICD-4) of Energomontazh OJSC, Vladimir Khryuchkin, who carries out the direction of installation of technological systems of the reactor, told the delegation members about the advanced system applicable in the sphere of welding processing automation. Owing to its operation, piping reliability of the technological systems at Novovoronezhskaya NPP-2 increases. Vladimir Khryuchkin paid attention to issues of the production quality management system by submitting a report on production control and products quality analysis system. Khryuchkin explained that each welded joint of a prefabricated structure is exposed to multiple inspections.

On the next day of the visit the delegation was submitted with a presentation of main technical solutions in respect of the turbine house of the units No.1, 2 of Novovoronezhskaya NPP-2. After the presentation TAEK’ specialists went over the auxiliary reactor building of the first power unit where the works related to installation of the equipment and pipelines of the nuclear island were carried out at the moment. The delegation members were shown a system of water supply for purification, premises of boric acid solution storage tank and other premises of the systems involved in the main technological cycle and ensuring operation of the reactor facility.

Then the delegation visited the power house of the 1st unit where they were shown the main equipment of the turbine plant including the turbine. At the construction site all participants of the dialogue notes a special atmosphere of full mutual understanding between the Russian and Turkish specialists. When telling goodbye to TAEK delegation the head of the reactor shop, Aleksey Volnov, thanked the Chairman of the delegation of the Turkish Supervisory Authority, Kadir Oguzkhan Alifendioglu, for the constructive dialogue in the process of cooperation during the visit.

“It is very important for us that we have visited the referential plant for the project of Akkuyu NPP”, - noted the head of the Turkish delegation at the end of the visit. “We have seen the whole scope of construction works which are carried out at Novovoronezhskaya NPP-2. The applicable technical solutions, competence of Russian specialists and construction technologies make strong impression. Our agency’s goal is to ensure safety of atomic facilities within the territory of the Republic of Turkey. We can state with full assurance that the Russian atomic technologies are one of the most advanced as of today”, - noted Kadir Oguzkhan Alifendioglu.

Topics: NPP, Asia, Turkey, Novovoronezh NPP

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