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Rosatom Boosts Foreign Orders Portfolio to $74 Bln

RIA Novosti, PUBLISHED 22.12.2013

Russian state nuclear power corporation Rosatom said Saturday it had increased its current foreign orders portfolio to over $74 billion after signing a contract to build a nuclear power plant in Finland.

Rosatom signed on Saturday in Helsinki an expected deal with Finnish nuclear consortium Fennovoima on the construction of a 1,200-megawatt Hanhikivi-1 nuclear reactor in Pyhajoki, northwest Finland.

The Hanhikivi project cost is estimated at 4-6 billion euros ($5.4-$8 billion), according to the Finnish consortium.

Rosatom will also take a 34 percent stake in Fennovoima and deliver nuclear fuel for the future NPP.

“As a result, Rosatom is now involved in the construction of 20 nuclear reactors around the world. Its overall contracts portfolio, including NPP construction, deliveries of nuclear fuel and enriched uranium, and other services will exceed $74 billion,” a Rosatom spokesman told RIA Novosti.

Topics: NPP, Europe, Finland

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We are currently working with the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) on this approach, which was submitted in response to their February 2012 call for alternative proposals. We appreciate that the UK is in the early stages of their policy development activities and are pleased to be involved in such important work.



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