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Rosenergoatom completed fitting Russian NPPs with additional equipment

Information and Public Relations Department of Rosenergoatom, PUBLISHED July 17, 2012

Rosenergoatom has completed outfitting its nuclear power plants with additional engineering features totaled RUB2.6 billion under a plan of measures to reduce consequences of hypothetical beyond design basis accidents.

In particular, in total, 66 mobile diesel generators, 35 mobile pumping stations and 80 monoblock pumps were supplied to all Russia’s NPPs.

In the framework of special measures, which were worked out in spring 2011 by a directive given by the Government of Russia after the events at Fukushima-Daiichi NPP in Japan, Rosenergoatom set up task forces to analyze and prepare lists of scenarios of possible accident development at NPPs in Russia along with response measures which would exclude impacts of beyond design basis accidents on the population and the environment.

The work results were generalized in the Analytical Report on consideration of impact scenarios of anomaly external events at NPPs in Russia. According to this report a list of required equipment to be procured for Russia’s NPPs was compiled. This equipment was intended to improve the plants stability to extreme impacts.

The mobile diesel generators are back-up power supply sources for consumers of the safety important systems and safety systems of nuclear power plant units under beyond design basis accidents. These consumers include the pumping equipment, valves, local shutdown panels, instrumentation and controls, controlling safety systems, lighting systems etc. Mobile pumping stations and monoblock pumps are designed to supply cooling water from back-up sources to main circulation loops of reactor installations, at-reactor spent fuel pools, as well as separate spent nuclear fuel storage facilities.

Topics: Safety, Rosatom

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