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Russia submits final cost estimate on Belene nuke plant to Bulgaria

RIA Novosti, PUBLISHED November 14. 2010

Russia has presented to Bulgaria budget estimates for the construction of the Belene Nuclear Power Plant, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Saturday.

"We have presented the final cost estimates," Putin said, adding that "Bulgarian specialists should now review them."

The final figures could only be disclosed after approval by the Bulgarian side, Putin said responding to a reporter's question.

Construction of the 1000 MW Belene project was launched in 1984 but was halted in 1991 over a shortage of funding and protests by environmental groups.

In 2004, the Bulgarian government decided to resume the construction of two reactors at 1000 MW each.

In January 2008, Russia's Atomstroyexport and Bulgaria's National Electric Company (NEC) signed a contract for the design, construction and installation of Belene's Units 1 and 2.

Topics: NPP, East Europe, Bulgaria, NPP Belene

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