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Iran set to load fuel in Bushehr nuclear reactor

RIA Novosti, PUBLISHED October 26, 2010

Iran will start injecting fuel into the core of its first nuclear reactor at the Bushehr nuclear power plant on Tuesday, local media said citing a senior Iranian lawmaker.

"The Bushehr [nuclear] power plant's fuel will be transferred to the core of the reactor tomorrow [Tuesday]," Press TV quoted on Monday Alaeddin Boroujerdi, the head of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of the Iranian Parliament.

"Despite policies that the United States and certain European countries have adopted on imposing sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran, we have been able to continue our development policies," the Iranian lawmaker said.

The Bushehr plant in southern Iran was launched in August with Russian assistance after decades of construction delays.

Under a bilateral agreement, which has received IAEA approval, Russia will initially operate the plant, supplying its fuel and taking away all the spent fuel for the next two or three years, but will eventually hand over full control to Iran.

Iran remains a target of criticism and sanctions over its controversial nuclear program, which the West claims could be an attempt to build a nuclear weapon.

However, as a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency and a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Tehran insists its nuclear program is aimed at electricity generation and medical research.

The UN Security Council has approved four rounds of sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program, including tougher financial controls and an expanded arms embargo, as well as an asset ban on three dozen companies and a travel freeze on individuals.

The Bushehr project does not fall under these sanctions.

Topics: NPP, Asia, Iran, NPP Bushehr

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