Kirienko: Today more 50% electricity is generated by gas fired plants. It's a barbarism

Rosatom head Kirienko told to Russian News Service that Russian president Vladimir Putin set a task of optimal energy balance. "Today in Russia more 50% electricity is generated by burning natural gas. It's a barbarism… Even if gas is cheap kind of fuel, it is more correct to reprocess it and to make products of petrochemestry. And if we can't make it yet, let's sell it abroad for USA$ 300/cubic meter, but not to burn in our gas fired plants for USA$ 45/cubic meter".

Kirienko emphasized that today the part of hydropower is 16 %. It is possible to increase its fraction, but unfortunately hydro power plants can be constructed only in Siberia and Far East.

According to Kirienko the optimal ratio of generating electricity should be the following: 25-30% for nuclear power, 25-30% for coal fired plants and only 25-30% for gas fired plants.

He also noted that Russian NPPs were built in 1970-1980ies. It means that they should be decommissioned in 10-15 years. For example, Leningrad NPP provides 40% needs of electricity of St Petersburg. After 2012 it should be decommissioned and replaced by new one. Each unit of NPP is constructed during 5-7 years, and then it is necessary to begin construction today.

Kirienko said that in this year Russia will start construction of two NPPs: Leningrad NPP-2 and Novoronezh NPP-2. The public consultation was carried out for these projects. All data about these NPP projects were presented to all ecological organizations. As a result, the projects of construction of Leningrad NPP-2 and Novovoronezh NPP-2 NPPS were approved.

He added that NPPs built in 80ies and NPP under construction today are completely different technical facilities. Modern NPPs have four independent channels of protection, so-called active and passive safe systems. New engineering decisions, new materials, other control system and automatics systems were arisen.

"The only way of nuclear power development - openness, transparency and rigid correspondence to the requirement, which would be more stringent" - Kirienko said.

SOURCE: AtomInfo.Ru

DATE: July 12, 2007

Topics: NPP, Russia

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