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Hero of the day

Georgy Toshinsky

Georgy Toshinsky: Booming as a Driving Force to Trade (Reactors?)

Not quite so. The authors of the concept, which was difficult to be realized in practice, turned to a clearer concept of a standing wave reactor (TP-1) that in principle allows finding the solution to the tasks stated for TWRs.


Alexander Chistozvonov

Alexander Chistozvonov
Today, the army of managers is earnestly believing that one can take the man responsible for the licensing of alcoholic beverages, and put it on licensing, and even to supervise the nuclear reactor.


Dmitry Kosyrev

Dmitry Kosyrev
South Korea could be an obstacle to solving the North Korean nuclear problem, even though the U.S. and North Korean deputy foreign ministers say they are satisfied with the results of their recent meeting.


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