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OKB Gidropress

A conference of young specialists started at OKB Gidropress

Nuclear News Ticker - March 01, 2021

Nuclear News Ticker - November 08, 2020

Rosatom starts life tests of third-generation VVER-440 nuclear fuel

Russian Nuclear Experts Present Bushehr-2 NPP Project in Iran

Vice-president of Rusatom Overseas Jukka Laaksonen gave a report on global expansion of VVER technology

Russian Nuclear Reactors Designer Held on Suspicion of Fraud

Dmitry Ermakov: First unit is working and that is the principal fact
Do you mean the tender Finnland-5?
No, it was before the Finnish tender. In 1991 we have begun elaborating new project on the base of 320 series reactor - with the participation of Finnish specialists on the first stage. Atomenergoproyect from St. Petersburg was a chief designing organization, and OKB Gidropress - chief constructor of the facility.
This project was made for the conditions of Finland. Later the country refused temporary from its plans on political reasons, but the concept of the design remained. After signing of the intergovernmental treaty with China about the building of NPP, two alternatives were offered to the Chinese part - NPP-92, where Moscow Atomenergoproyect was a chief designer, and NPP-91.
Chinese examined both alternatives and after long debates adopted the last one. What was there motivation? Probably the reason is that NPP-91 was more evolutional and was closer to the serial 320 project.
Nevertheless, what was the main difference of NPP-91 from VVER-1000/320?

EDO GIDROPRESS will hold the 6th International Scientific and Technical Conference Safety Assurance of NPP with WWER
From 26 to 29 of May 2009 EDO GIDROPRESS will hold the 6th International Scientific and Technical Conference Safety Assurance of NPP with WWER. This biannual event is traditionally held at EDO GIDROPRESS with participation of the Rosatom and support of the IAEA.
Both Russian and foreign experts take active part in the conference. The previous, 5th Conference, was attended by representatives of 11 foreign countries.
The Conference is aimed at solving problems of operability and safety assurance of NPP with WWER reactor plants in the course of designing, R&D implementation, operation and decommissioning.
The purpose of the forthcoming Conference is to organize an international forum for information exchange and discussion of the subjects related to safe operation of NPP with WWER.
The Organizing Committee of the International Scientific and Technical Conference Safety Assurance of NPP with WWER invites interested specialists and organizations to participate in this event.

5th International Scientific and Technical Conference Safety Assurance of NPP with WWER which will be held on 29 May - 1 June, 2007 at FSUE EDO GIDROPRESS, Podolsk, Moscow Region, Russia

Hero of the day

Fourth Hualong One unit connected to grid

Fourth Hualong One unit connected to grid

Unit 3 of the Karachi nuclear power plant in Pakistan was successfully connected to the gird on March 4, laying a solid foundation for its commercial operation.



Vladimir Kriventsev

Vladimir Kriventsev
The International Atomic Energy Agency brings together the fast reactor and related fuel cycle community and countries and the wider public interested in these technologies by organising the International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Sustainable Clean Energy for the Future or FR21.


Victor Murogov

Victor Murogov
This critical analysis of the history, state, and prospects of development of modern nuclear technologies shows that nuclear energy market has practically monopolized the design and construction of only one type of reactors (95% of NPPs under construction use pressurized water reactors), which necessitates training of focused specialists involved in the construction and operation of those nuclear power plants.


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