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Rrecord of electricity consumption has been set in Belarus AtomInfo.Ru, PUBLISHED 12.01.2024 The record of electric power consumption was set in the Republic of Belarus on January 8, 2024, the telegram channel of the Belarusian Ministry of Energy reported. "On January 8, 2024, against the background of severe frosts, the maximum consumption of electric power in the country reached a record high of 6,595 MW, which is 204 MW more than the previous maximum value recorded on December 8, 2023," the message says. The channel noted that the nights of early January 2024 became the coldest in the country in the last three years. In the northern regions of Belarus, on January 8, the air temperature dropped to minus 29 degrees at night and in the morning. Topics: Belarus Other news: HTR-PM starts commercial operation It is an important pathway for optimizing energy structure, ensuring reliable energy supply, and contributing to the dual carbon goal. Lepse Floating Technical Base Dismantlement Project has been successfully implemented To discharge spent nuclear fuel, the Lepse was placed in a specially designed and built onshore sheltering site. This made it possible to prevent any weather effects. IAEA has issued a technical document on global inventories of secondary uranium supplies The document provides a comprehensive assessment of publicly available information on current secondary uranium supplies, including at the regional and national levels. Last news:
Hero of the day ![]() ROSATOM completed production of RITM-200 for Chukotka icebreaker This is the last reactor that the company is manufacturing under the valid contract for the supply of power units for the new generation nuclear-powered ships. After having been prepared for transportation, the reactor will be delivered to the Baltic Plant. INTERVIEW