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Installation of the fourth tier of the containment at Akkuyu NPP Unit 2 is completed

Communications Service of AKKUYU NUCLEAR JSC, PUBLISHED 19.04.2023

The fourth tier of the inner containment, which relates to basic components of the nuclear power plant's safety system, was installed in the reactor building of the second power unit of Akkuyu NPP.

The inner containment consists of a steel lining and is made of a special concrete mix. They ensure the leak-tightness of the reactor compartment. The internal radius of the inner containment module is 22 meters, height - 8 meters, weight - more than 144 tons. The tier was being assembled near the construction area of Unit 2 for three months.

One of the world's most powerful Liebherr LR-13000 crawler crane, Liebherr LTM 1300 truck crane, and two hydraulic devices were used in the installation. A special lifting beam was developed to install the tier. It protects the prefabricated structure from deformation during movement by the crane.

Sergei Butсkikh, First Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Director of Akkuyu NPP under Construction, commented on the completion of the work: "An important component of the reactor building is the inner containment which consists of structures of various shapes. The fourth tier is the last of the cylindrical ones, then the dome part will be installed. This is planned for this summer. We are backed by our many years of experience in construction, which allows us to save time and make the most of the available resources. Next things planned are welding of the third and fourth tiers, reinforcement operations, and installation of embedded parts, including components of the equipment lock and personnel lock.

Topics: Asia, Turkey, NPP Akkuyu

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