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Nuclear News Ticker - January 11, 2021

AtomInfo.Ru, PUBLISHED 11.01.2021

The restrictions imposed in 2020 due to the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection did not lead to serious shifts in the timing of the implementation of the Rosatom's foreign nuclear power plant construction projects.

The U.S. Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy Rita Baranwal left her position on January 8, 2021 without explanation.

The work on the cold functional test program was successfully completed on January 11, 2021 at the Fuqing NPP Unit No. 6 under construction in China with the Hualong One reactor.

Topics: Rosatom, USA, China, Commissioning, Nuclear News Tickers

Other news:

Akkuyu Nuclear JSC Obtains the Construction License of Akkuyu NPP Unit 3

The license application package was submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) on March 28, 2019.

Rosatom starts production of rare-earth magnets for wind power generation

The first sets of magnets have been manufactured and shipped to the customer.

Unit No. 1 at the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant has been brought to minimum control power

Minimum control power level is reached when neutron flux is recorded in a reactor working at a level sufficient to sustain a fission chain reaction.

Last news:

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Victor Murogov

Victor Murogov

This critical analysis of the history, state, and prospects of development of modern nuclear technologies shows that nuclear energy market has practically monopolized the design and construction of only one type of reactors (95% of NPPs under construction use pressurized water reactors), which necessitates training of focused specialists involved in the construction and operation of those nuclear power plants.



Vladimir Kriventsev

Vladimir Kriventsev
The International Atomic Energy Agency brings together the fast reactor and related fuel cycle community and countries and the wider public interested in these technologies by organising the International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Sustainable Clean Energy for the Future or FR21.


Vyacheslav Kupriyanov,<br>Victor Murogov

Vyacheslav Kupriyanov,
Victor Murogov

To sum up, we can say that from above we see a set of tasks and areas of activity that must be solved and developed to build the nuclear power of the future, and from below we see an understanding of how it can be done.


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