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Japanese HTTR has taken another step towards restart

AtomInfo.Ru, PUBLISHED 05.06.2020

The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) announced on June 3, 2020 that it had received approval from the nuclear regulatory agency (NRA) of Japan for modifications made to the HTTR high-temperature research reactor to meet new safety standards.

Thus, the HTTR reactor is one step closer to returning to service.

The safety analysis performed by the NRA to verify compliance with the new safety requirements confirmed that fuel damage would not occur even in the event of an BDA such as multiple failures of reactor shutdown systems,the JAEA said in a statement.

After the HTTR will be made to re-start, JAEA will start to perform experimental work.

Together with the OECD/NEA, safety demonstration experiments will continue in the framework of the LOFC project. Other joint projects will also be implemented (Poland is mentioned separately in the JAEA message).

Another area of experimental research at HTGR will be related to the demonstration of technology for a heat consumption system consisting of a helium turbine and hydrogen production plants. These works, as you can understand from the message, are the work of a more distant future.

Topics: Asia, Japan

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