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442 nuclear units are operating in the world, 52 units are under construction

AtomInfo.Ru, PUBLISHED 27.02.2020

The current number of the operating nuclear power units in the world is equal to 442. These data are presented in the PRIS database supported by the IAEA.

Another 52 units have the status of the being built one.

Since the beginning of 2020, one unit was permanently shutdown - "Fessenheim-1" in France.

Topics: Decommissioning, IAEA, France

Other news:

The first batch of MOX fuel was loaded into the reactor at the Beloyarsk NPP

The complete MOX-core is planned in 2021.

443 nuclear units are operating in the world

Another 52 units are under construction.

WANO, IAEA, EPRI collaborate to help new nuclear power units to start up safely and on time

The white paper is available here (bottom left section to download).

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William D. Magwood, IV

William D. Magwood, IV
I think our members have understood that one of the biggest issues going forward is making sure that we have a new generation of young people that can take up the work of developing, deploying and operating nuclear facilities in the future.



For each nation or region, the scope and depth of governmental supervision on export controls over organisations should be proportionate to what type of organisation it is, its track record, and the risk to proliferation it poses.


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