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Akkuyu Nuclear JSC and TEIAS Sign Connection Agreement

Press Service of AKKUYU NUCLEAR JSC, PUBLISHED 10.12.2019

AKKUYU NUCLEAR JSC and Turkish System Operator TEIAS have signed the Republic of Turkey Transmission Grid Connection Agreement.

The conclusion of this agreement will enable AKKUYU NUCLEAR JSC and TEIAS to commence full-scale work on creating a power distribution scheme for Akkuyu NPP, which will include 6 high-voltage transmission lines to connect Akkuyu NPP to the Turkish transmission system.

Within the framework of the agreement, the power generated by Akkuyu NPP will be transmitted from the Akkuyu NPP switchgear via 400 kV power lines to six transformer substations that are part of Turkey's unified energy system.

The total length of the high-voltage lines that will be built as part of the Akkuyu NPP power distribution scheme will exceed 1000 km, which allows us to talk about creating the most powerful and branched power distribution system in the country.

“In a few years, Turkey will integrate a nuclear power plant into its power transmission system for the first time – an uninterrupted source of base-load generation of vast amounts of electricity. The agreement is a guarantee that the infrastructure of the Turkish transmission system will be ready for NPP connection and reliable transmission of generated electricity to consumers. Observance of the parameters of compatibility with the external electrical system is inextricably linked to ensuring a reliable and safe NPP operation, so the conclusion of the connection agreement can undoubtedly be attributed to the key stages in implementing the Akkuyu NPP Project”, remarked Anastasia Zoteeva, CEO of AKKUYU NUCLEAR JSC, following the signing of the Agreement.

The execution of the transmission grid connection agreement is an essential requirement of the Turkish Electricity Market Law and a number of other regulatory and legal acts of the Republic of Turkey. All the power lines to be connected to Akkuyu NPP will be built and maintained by the TEIAS.

The Turkish Electricity Transmission Company (TEIAS) is a company under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Turkey that dispatches, operates and repairs all operational transmission lines in Turkey and also constructs the new ones. TEIAS is maintaining a network of 68,204-km-long transmission lines, 736 transformer substations and 12 high-voltage transmission lines that connect Turkey with the neighbouring countries.

Akkuyu NPP is the first-ever nuclear power plant to be built in the Republic of Turkey. The project is being implemented based on the Inter-Governmental Agreement on cooperation in the construction and operation of nuclear power plant at Akkuyu site in the Republic of Turkey concluded between the Government of the Russian Federation and Government of the Republic of Turkey on 12 May, 2010. The project stipulates the construction of four power units equipped with Russian-designed generation 3+ VVER reactors. The capacity of each NPP power unit will amount to 1200 MW. Currently the project is entirely financed by the Russian side. ROSATOM is the majority shareholder of AKKUYU NUCLEAR JSC which has committed itself to the design, construction, maintenance, operation and decommissioning of the power plant. Akkuyu NPP is the first project in the global nuclear industry being implemented according to Build-Own-Operate model.

Topics: Asia, Turkey

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William D. Magwood, IV

William D. Magwood, IV
I think our members have understood that one of the biggest issues going forward is making sure that we have a new generation of young people that can take up the work of developing, deploying and operating nuclear facilities in the future.



For each nation or region, the scope and depth of governmental supervision on export controls over organisations should be proportionate to what type of organisation it is, its track record, and the risk to proliferation it poses.


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