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Concrete pouring of the foundation slab of Unit 1 has completed at the site of Akkuyu NPP (Turkey)

Press Service of AKKUYU NUCLEAR JSC, PUBLISHED 19.03.2019

The concrete pouring of the foundation slab of Unit 1 of Akkuyu NPP, first Turkish nuclear power plant completed on March 08, 2019.

More than 17,000 cubic meters of the self-compacting concrete have been casted for the foundation slab. Self-compacting concrete is a non-segregating concrete that is placed by means of its own weight while preserving durability and uniformity.

"Like all technological options used during the Akkuyu NPP construction the concreting of the foundation slab of Unit 1 meets all modern requirements of the world nuclear community, IAEA's safety standards, international and national requirements of the Republic of Turkey"-

Completion of such an important process operation is one of the key events of this year at the construction site of Akkuyu NPP. Construction of exterior and interior walls of the reactor building will be the next stage of operations related to Unit 1. Construction of concrete bases for the auxiliary reactor building and the emergency control room building are simultaneously underway.

Topics: Asia, Turkey

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