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Foreign journalists have familiarized themselves with the progress of Belarusian NPP units construction

Communications Unit of ASE, PUBLISHED 18.10.2018

Representatives of more than 20 foreign mass media companies from Bangladesh, Hungary, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine and Belarus have visited Belarusian NPP.

The journalists were given a chance to familiarize themselves with the progress of construction of the first Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant.

In particular, the representatives of mass media companies visited the site designed for layout of the gas insulated switchgear GIS -330, from which during operation electrical energy will be supplied to the Unified Energy System of the Republic of Belarus.

Besides, the Main Control Room was demonstrated to the journalists, to which all the information on generation and distribution of electric energy from operating power units will be provided. In addition, the representatives of the mass media companies visited the Training Center, where currently the personnel of Belarusian NPP maintenance services is being trained, as well as the site for construction of the tower evaporative cooling towers designed for water cooling.

"We have demonstrated the degree of readiness of the facilities under construction, - Vitaly Polyanin, Vice President - temporarily in charge of the Belarusian NPP Construction Project Manager of ASE mentioned. - Currently thermal installation and electrical installation works are being performed in the main facilities of start-up complexes in Belarusian NPP power units under construction. All the stages are being implemented according to the directive schedule".

The first Nuclear Power Plant in the Republic of Belarus is being constructed according to the Russian 3+ generation design that fully complies with the safety related international standards and recommendations of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The project envisages erection of two power units equipped with VVER-1200 reactors.

Topics: East Europe, Belarus

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WANO's mission is to maximise the safety and reliability of nuclear power plants worldwide. We do this by working together to assess, benchmark and improve performance through mutual support, exchange of information, and emulation of best practices.



William D. Magwood, IV

William D. Magwood, IV
It has been a great trip for me. I learned more about what the Russian organizations are doing. We saw some new opportunities for cooperation and also I heard about some activities I would like to learn more about.


Siegfried Hecker

Siegfried Hecker
When I look at the past, I've always thought that cooperation was extremely important.My feeling is that we did a lot of good; there were a lot of benefits to both countries. It's often not appreciated that it was actually beneficial to both countries. Itis unfortunate that it came pretty much to an end between U.S. and Russia.


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