The Governor of Niigata opposed to re-start Kashiwazaki-Kariwa NPP
AtomInfo.Ru, PUBLISHED 11.01.2015
The Japanese Governor of Niigata Prefecture Hirohiko Izumida opposed the Tokyo proposals for the re-start of NPP Kashiwazaki-Kariwa NPP.
Izumida is the known critic of TEPCO. A year ago at a meeting with the company management, the Governor accused TEPCO of lack of activity during the investigation of the causes of the accident at Fukushima.
The Governor of the Prefecture has the power of veto in the decision to start nuclear units. The Central government can bypass the Governor's veto, however, as a rule, such conflicts are trying to avoid.
The Kashiwazaki-Kariwa NPP consists of seven units with the boiling water reactors BWR. They are all currently stopped. The TEPCO would like to get back two units into the grid.
Topics: Asia, Japan
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