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Kozloduy-6 unloaded to 50%

AtomInfo.Ru, PUBLISHED 11.01.2015

The power unit 6 of Kozloduy NPP (Bulgaria) was reduced 7 January 2015 up to 50% due to failure of one of the two secondary circuit pumps, writes AtomInfo.Bg with reference to the nuclear regulatory agency.

"7 January 2015 the unit operated at full power. At 17:50 local time one of the two 2nd circuit pumps was disconnected."

In accordance with the regulations, the unit was unloaded to 50% capacity. The reason for the shutdown was "a violation of cooling condenser pump". The cause has been corrected, after which at 20:20 local time the power began raising.

There were no violations of limits and conditions. A commission is setup to investigate the event assigned to the level "0" on the INES scale.

Topics: Safety, East Europe, Bulgaria, NPP Kozloduy

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