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AREVA will continue to supply fuel for Olkiluoto

AtomInfo.Ru, PUBLISHED 16.11.2014

AREVA is selected as a supplier of fuel to the existing units of the Finnish nuclear power plant Olkiluoto, said the French group.

In the period from 2016 to 2019 the group will sent four core reloading. The report noted that AREVA supplies the fuel for Olkiluoto for many years.

Olkiluoto NPP consists of two units with boiling water BWR of ABB-III type. The power of the units is equal to 880 MWe each, it was put into operation in 1979 and 1982, respectively.

At first, the ATRIUM 10XM fuel will be supplied. Starting in 2018, the TVO company, which is the plant operator, plans to begin the transition to the ATRIUM 11 fuel.

The ATRIUM 11 11×11 fuel is already used by three European operators. It is the most new development of the French group for the family of ATRIUM fuel assemblies, giving fuel cycles more flexibility.

Topics: NFC, Europe, Finland, Olkiluoto, AREVA

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