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Hollande will select units to be shutdown

AtomInfo.Ru, PUBLISHED 10.11.2014

French President Francois Hollande will make the final decision which French units will be stopped at the end of 2016.

This was stated by Minister of Energy Segolene Royal. Previously it was assumed that the final decision on the closure of units will be included in its remit.

In his campaign, Hollande promised to close the oldest of the existing nuclear power stations of the country Fessenheim NPP.

However, the adopted law , limiting nuclear fleet in France the current value of 63.2 GWe, does not determine which blocks are to be stopped at the end of 2016, when the Flamanville-3 is expected to begin operationю

Royal, speaking on the radio "Europe 1", stressed that her ministry "heed the opinion of EDF" about the choice of units to close.

"If there is a station ... more insecured and required more investment than the Fessenheim we will make a proposal, and the president will make a decision based on the available information," - said the Minister.

Topics: Decommissioning, Europe, France

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