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History of the Creation of the International Union of Veterans of Nuclear Energy and Industry (IUVNEI) V.М. Murogov. Yu.P. Saraev. Ye.М. Akimov, PUBLISHED 02.10.2014 Discussions by the Social Expert Board of the Interregional Public Organization of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC Veterans of the Federal special purpose program "Development of Russian nuclear power generation complex for 2007 - 2010 and in 2015 perspective" as well as foreign nuclear power development programs primarily using Russian (Soviet) designs, led to understanding of the necessity of collection, compilation and use of each country's accumulated experience of construction and operation of nuclear power facilities and related branches of science and industry. On April 2, 2008, in Piestany (Slovakia) the representatives of Russian and Slovak veteran organizations signed the protocol of intent to create the International Union of Veterans of Nuclear Power Engineering and Industry (IUVNEI). The intentions to create the IUVNEI were supported by the administration of the State Atomic Energy Corporation 'Rosatom' and 'Rosenergoatom' Concern OJSC, nuclear societies and operating companies in Armenia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Lithuania, Slovakia, Finland, Ukraine, and Czech Republic. The creation of the IUVNEI was strongly supported by the Russian Union of Workers of Nuclear Power Engineering and Industry along with the World Council of Nuclear Industry Employees. A keen interest in the IUVNEI was manifested by nuclear industry employees in Denmark and France. In accordance with the Order No. 88 (29.01.2010) of the Director General of the 'Rosenergoatom' Concern OJSC and approved plan of activities on preparation and staging of the IUVNEI constituent conference in Moscow on May 26-28, 2010, the IUVNEI Steering Committee sent its delegations to Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, Finland, and Czech Republic during the period from April 12 to 28, 2010, where they conducted negotiations with the representatives of relevant national and socially-owned enterprises and organizations engaged in the activities and development of nuclear power engineering in their countries, to consider the feasibility (from their viewpoint) of the IUVNEI foundation, their potential involvement in its activities, key business lines, structure, and expected financing sources. Some other issues were also addressed in the context of the development (Renaissance) of nuclear power engineering in the world. The following persons took part in discussing issues related to the IUVNEI foundation: On the Slovak side:A) Mr. Ignas Pnyachik, Board Member of the "Enel" Company ("Slovak Power Plants" OJSC). B) Mr. Vladimir Slugen, President of the European Nuclear Society, Slovak Nuclear Society, Professor of the Nuclear Physics and Technology Department at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, the Slovak University of Technology (Bratislava). C) Mr. Juraj Kmosena, Head of Veterans Section, the Slovak Nuclear Society (former director of the Bohunice NPP) On the Czech side: А) Mr. John Ales, Director General, the Nuclear Research Institute. On the Hungarian side: А) Mr. Janos Sule, Director General, the "Paks Nuclear Power Plants" JSC. B) Mr. Jozef Pyona, Board Chairman, the "Hungarian Power Plants". C) Mr. Laszlo Maroti, Veterans Section Leader of the Hungarian Nuclear Society. On the Bulgarian side: А) Mr. Dimitar Angelov, Executive Director, the Kozloduy NPP. B) Ms. Krasimira Ilieva, President of the Bulgarian Nuclear Society. On the Finnish side: А) Ms. Eija Karita Puska, Head of nuclear safety research programs, Leader in NPP modeling study, President of the Finnish Nuclear Society (ATS). B) Mr. Eero Patrakka, retiree, Chairman of the veteran group 'ATS-seniors'. C) Mr. Heikki Reponen, chief STUK expert at lending support to the Eastern (former CMEA) countries. D) Mr. Ilkka Mikkola, nuclear power engineering veteran, Teollisuuden Voima Oyj (the Olkiluoto NPP). During all the meetings and talks the Russian side informed its colleagues of the following: - the goals and objectives of the proposed Union; - the work done in the preparation for the IUVNEI Foundation Conference (IUVNEI FC); invitations were delivered with attached informational materials about the time, place, and procedure of the conference; - veteran organizations of the countries endorsing the initiative of the Interregional Public Organization of 'Rosenergoatom Concern' OJSC Veterans (Russia) to create the IUVNEI (in the order of received positive responses: Slovakia, Finland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Armenia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria); - the expected activity areas of the IUVNEI to the benefit of nuclear power engineering of the countries using nuclear power, as well as those countries that are only beginning to construct NPPs; - the cooperation between the Interregional Public Organization of Rosenergoatom Concern Veterans and Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC both in the implementation of programs for the development of Russian nuclear power generation complex and in the social support of non-working veterans of Russian nuclear power engineering; - the 'Rosatom' and 'Rosenergoatom Concern' OJSC plans for the expansion of domestic and foreign NPPs, enhancement of their safety, reliability, and performance, including works on life extension of the existing NPP units. The main issues addressed and discussed during the talks I. Slovakia (April 13, Bratislava). 1. Usefulness and timeliness of creating the IUVNEI. (Useful!). 2. The gap in transferring experience and traditions that caught two or even three generations of specialists (ranging from science and education to NPP operation, decommissioning and waste reprocessing) resulted from more that the 20-year post-Chernobyl period. 3. Negative public attitude towards nuclear power engineering which is to be overcome. It is especially important in completing the construction of existing NPPs. 4. The need to revive the WWER Club with obligatory participation of Russia which owns the greatest experience in this field of reactor engineering. (On November1-3, 2010, Prague will host an international conference on the experience of operating NPPs with the WWER). 5. Usefulness of creating the RBMK Club is also evident. 6.Writing books, brochures, and articles (including joint authorship); issuing magazines, photo, film, and video materials by veterans in different countries; lecturing and interviewing on the history of nuclear power engineering, getting the current and future generations acquainted with the experience (both positive and negative) and traditions accumulated by the older generation throughout the development of nuclear power engineering. 7. Usefulness of involving veterans in peer reviews carried out under the WANO and IAEA, trans- and international campaigns on NPP safety and reliability, first of all in terms of optimizing the man-machine system, because the human factor is now beginning to prevail in the causes of errors, failures and accidents. (On July 21-22, 2010, in Murmansk, the WANO will hold its World Meeting, where the presence of veterans may set the tone of link of times). 8. The negative attitude towards nuclear power engineering propagated by competitors hinders the development of scientific and educational bases; this is particularly so with new countries which are only beginning to construct NPPs. A great obstacle in ensuring, above all, the safety of nuclear power engineering is becoming the language barrier (projects, instructions, and methods of measurements are prepared in one language but used in another). 9. All veterans, for two or three years before retirement, should prepare a shift relief crew of two or three persons and be able to patronize them for another two or three years after their retirement (mentorship); but the projects do not provide any means for this. 10. Russia's experience in the use of nuclear power is very important for all countries. At the same time, the Nuclear Society of Russia is not a member of the European Nuclear Society for non-payment of dues. 11. The administration of the 'Entel' and SNUS will take part in financing the veteran section activities within the coordinated programs of the IUVNEI. Juraj Kmo?ena was appointed as responsible for this. It is necessary to develop an interest of the industry in the IUVNEI activities and identify the financial facility. II. Czech Republic. (April 14, Rez). 1. As in Slovakia, a similar range of problems and issues was discussed. It was confirmed that such problems exist and the veterans' experience is important solving them. 2. The following problems were emphasized by the Czech side: 2.1. Bridging the gap between generations (experience and traditions). 2.2. Diversity of NPP unit types. 2.3. The IUVNEI program (directions of activities) should meet the needs of operating organizations. 2.4. The language barrier (the Russian-speaking generation is vanishing in the countries where the Soviet NPP units are used; Russian is not taught at schools while English is not a major language). 3. For the Czech veterans to participate in the IUVNEI activities the following is required: - The operating organization Board of Directors' decision on financing the event, which seems problematic under the current administration. Therefore, due to the absence of this decision, to elect a delegate to the IUVNEI FC is not yet possible. - It is necessary to determine the IUVNEI structure. - Break through the language barrier. - Mr. Jiri Beranek, the CNS President, will participate in the IUVNEI FC. III. Hungary. (April 15, the 'Paks' NPPs) The Hungarian side informed the audience on the following: 1. The presence of veterans at the NPP prompted the managers to organize this meeting. 2. The NPP managers tend to favor their veterans. 3. A school was created for training young people with the participation of veterans. The graduates were ready to work at the NPP. But during the post-Chernobyl period of stagnation they could not employed. However, the children of veterans work at the NPP. Intergenerational continuity is maintained. 4. Over the past three years 800 professionals left job. However, the NPP managers think that despite various measures to encourage the veterans to transfer their experience to the young generation, there is no certainty that the resigned passed on all their experience - there is a need to supplement it. 5. A school of tutors was created at the NPP, but due to the problems of payment it cannot function to the extent required. 6. After the Hungarian Senate approved the selected site for constructing two more power units with the WWER reactors at the 'Paks' NPP area, the NPP began to recruit the staff. (Three years ago the number of employees decreased from 2840 to 2230; for today 180 have been employed and this number is still increasing). 7. All the four WWER-440 power units have been reconstructed and three of them have already reached the capacity of 500 MW. A solid work experience has been obtained and, at the same time, the question is raised of extending their service life up to 20 years, taking into account the reliability of Soviet equipment! 8. The Hungarian nuclear power engineering has an experience of 100 reactor years on Soviet units, many of the employees were taught in Russia (the USSR). 9. Intensive explanations to the public are being conducted. All measures are used to attract people, including money payments. At the same time, there is a belief that it is necessary to do much more in this regard. The problems of decommissioning power units, reprocessing and disposal of radioactive wastes are becoming more drastic. 10. Mr. Laszlo Maroti will be delegated to the IUVNEI FC. 11. In case the IUVNEI FC accepts that the IUVNEI financing will be based on membership dues, the Hungarian side is ready to pay them (Janos Sule). IV. Finland (April 26, 2010, Espoo) In their speeches, E.K. Puska, E. Patrakka, and H. Reponen supported the proposal to found the International Union of Veterans of Nuclear Power Engineering and Industry, however, it was notes that the IUVNEI Regulations should take into account the differences in the activities of veteran organizations of different countries due to their national peculiarities. The attendees of the VTT meeting proposed as follows: 1. To support the proposal to found the International Union of Veterans of Nuclear Power Engineering and Industry. 2. It is important that the veterans should transfer the accumulated experience and skills to the younger generation for more efficient operation of NPPs. 3. To take into account in the draft regulations and other constituent documents, when possible, proposals of the attendees, including what concerns the participation of the veterans in feasible work at the operating NPPs. 4. Within the Hungarian Nuclear Society there appeared a section of veterans which is a member of the IUVNEI. V. Bulgaria (April 28, 2010, the Kozloduy NPP) In his speeches, Mr. Dimitar Angelov expressed support for the IUVNEI foundation and noted that the Bulgarian side needs some time to create its own social organization of veterans which was established in January 2014 and named "The Union of Bulgarian Nuclear Industry Veterans" as a member of the IUVNEI. At the present time the IUVNEI includes 16 organizations from 9 countries: 1. "The Union of Armenian NPP Veterans" (Armenia); 2. "The Union of Nuclear Industry Veterans" (Bulgaria); 3. "The Union of the Hungarian Nuclear Society Veterans" (Hungary); 4. "The Council of the Ignalina NPP Veterans" (Lithuania); 5. "The Interregional Public Organization of 'Rosenergoatom Concern' OJSC Veterans" (Russia); 6. "The Interregional Social Movement of Nuclear Power Engineering and Industry Veterans" (Russia); 7. "The Council of the MF NIAEP CJSC ASE Veterans" (Russia); 8. "The Council of the NIAEP Veterans" (Russia); 9. "The Council of the 'VNIPIET Lead Institute' OJSC Veterans" (Russia); 10. "The Council of the NCCP Veterans" (Russia); 11. "The Council of the Slovak Nuclear Society Veterans" (Slovakia); 12. "The Slovak Nuclear Forum" (Slovakia); 13. "The Union of the Ukrainian Nuclear Industry Veterans" (Ukraine); 14. "The Veteran Section of the Ukrainian Nuclear Society" (Ukraine); 15. "The Veteran Section of the Nuclear Society of Finland" (Finland); 16. "The Veterans of Czech Nuclear Power Plants" (Czech Republic). Throughout it existence the IUVNEI held 4 conferences and 12 meetings of the IUVNEI Central Board in 9 countries which veteran organizations are members of the IUVNEI. Conclusions and suggestions 1. The initiative to found the IUVNEI was supported by the nuclear community. 2. A vast and varied experience has been accumulated in all the development stages of nuclear power engineering, starting from the task assignment, upon that each country solved it in its own way, that is why the achievements and failures are so peculiar for each country. In addition, taking into account the traditional closed nature of the industry, few of them have become a property even of specialists. 3. In the context of the renaissance of nuclear power engineering development in the 20 century it is very important to collect, compile, and distribute all the positive and negative experience mainly in the countries which have never been involved in this industry and, therefore, having no scientific and educational base. 4. At the present time, taking into account the generation gap, only veterans who have passed all the development stages of the industry, in each country under different starting, economical, and political conditions, are able to compile and transfer this experience to the new generation. 5. Association of veterans in any form in order to use their experience and traditions is a timely and important factor for the further development of the industry and demands systemic administrative, financial, and political support. Authors The IUVNEI Chairman V.М. Murogov. The IUVNEI First Deputy Chairman Yu.P. Saraev. The IUVNEI Executive Secretary Ye.М. Akimov. Topics: Opinions, Victor Murogov Other news: Rosenergoatom: Ukraine Fully and Timely Delivers Equipment for Russian Nuclear Plants For us, products made by Ukrainian manufacturers are very important. 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