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Nationalists Want to Return Nuclear Status to Ukraine

RIA Novosti, PUBLISHED 24.07.2014

Draft law on restoring Ukraine’s nuclear status was registered at Ukraine’s Parliament on Wednesday at the request of Svoboda party.

The law on nuclear status was initiated by radical nationalist Svoboda party’s parliamentary faction. The text of the law is not quoted. Svoboda faction already proposed this earlier.

Nationalist party Svoboda, became a part of the ruling coalition in Ukraine after the February coup and is connected with the Right Sector.

Ukraine, which had the world’s third-largest nuclear arsenal after the breakup of the USSR, abandoned nuclear weapons in 1996 in exchange for security guarantees from the US, Russia and Britain.

Topics: East Europe, Ukraine

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Hero of the day

Victor Murogov

The ISTC Responsible Science Program and Subprogram Culture of Nuclear Nonproliferation

The dual-use nature of nuclear technology consisting in the potential for its application equally in peaceful and military sphere is the basic contradiction for the existing nuclear nonproliferation regime and comprehensive development of the nuclear power and nuclear fuel cycle.



Jerry Hopwood

Jerry Hopwood
We are currently working with the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) on this approach, which was submitted in response to their February 2012 call for alternative proposals. We appreciate that the UK is in the early stages of their policy development activities and are pleased to be involved in such important work.


Joint Plan of Action

Joint Plan of Action
The goal for these negotiations is to reach a mutually-agreed long-term comprehensive solution that would ensure Iran's nuclear programme will be exclusively peaceful. Iran reaffirms that under no circumstances will Iran ever seek or develop any nuclear weapons.


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