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Egypt to Hold Tender on Nuclear Power Plant Construction by Year’s End - Media

RIA Novosti, PUBLISHED 22.07.2014

Egypt plans to organize a tender for its first nuclear plant by the end of 2014, a major Egyptian newspaper reported.

According to a report by Al Ahram newspaper published on Saturday, it’s still undetermined whether the tender will be an open or closed one.

It is expected that the capacity of the nuclear plant will be from 1,000 to 1,200 megawatts. Egyptian authorities have already chosen its future location, the city of Dabaa west of Alexandria on Mediterranean coast.

International Atomic Energy Agency experts earlier confirmed that Dabaa complies with all the international requirements and is suitable for nuclear plant construction.

Last month, Rusatom Overseas CEO Dzhomart Aliyev said that Russia is talking to Egypt about nuclear plant construction. Aliyev said that Russia sent a proposal to Egypt as a response to their query about the possible nuclear plant construction.

Aliyev added that Egypt’s side needs to decide whether private companies will be allowed to finance nuclear plant construction and whether there will be a tender rather than direct negotiations.

Rusatom Overseas is a subsidiary of Russia’s state nuclear energy corporation Rosatom that works on the international energy market.

In 2008, Egypt and Russia signed a cooperation agreement on peaceful nuclear energy. The agreement allows Russian companies to take part in future tenders to construct nuclear plants in Egypt, including the one in Dabaa.

Topics: Africa, Egypt

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Victor Murogov

The ISTC Responsible Science Program and Subprogram Culture of Nuclear Nonproliferation

The dual-use nature of nuclear technology consisting in the potential for its application equally in peaceful and military sphere is the basic contradiction for the existing nuclear nonproliferation regime and comprehensive development of the nuclear power and nuclear fuel cycle.



Jerry Hopwood

Jerry Hopwood
We are currently working with the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) on this approach, which was submitted in response to their February 2012 call for alternative proposals. We appreciate that the UK is in the early stages of their policy development activities and are pleased to be involved in such important work.


Joint Plan of Action

Joint Plan of Action
The goal for these negotiations is to reach a mutually-agreed long-term comprehensive solution that would ensure Iran's nuclear programme will be exclusively peaceful. Iran reaffirms that under no circumstances will Iran ever seek or develop any nuclear weapons.


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