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The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of Turkey held the seminar concerning SNF and RAW handling strategy

Akkuyu NPP Press Service, PUBLISHED 07.02.2014

The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Turkey held the working seminar with participation of experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The main task of the meeting was to render the methodological assistance to Turkey to form the spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and radioactive waste (RAW) handling strategy.

The meeting was also attended by the representatives of the executive authorities of the Republic of Turkey: Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (MENR), Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation (MoEU), Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEK) and the Electricity Generation Company (EU"AS,). Akkuyu NPP Power Generation Joint Stock Company was represented at the seminar by Mr. Dmitry Pokidyshev, the chief coordinator for licensing and technical matters, Mr. Igor Kogay, the head of the Engineering Supervision Department, Mr. Vladimir Kobzev and Mr. Vladimir Kuramshin, the chief licensing specialists. The seminar was chaired by Mr. Nedzhati Yamach, the head of the MENR Nuclear Energy Projects Department.

In November 2013, the Project Company participated in the INIR (Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review) Mission meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency organized by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Turkey. INIR Missions are intended to assist the IAEA member countries to assess the readiness of their infrastructures to introduce the nuclear energy. During 2013, the IAEA experts were working together with the representatives of the executive authorities of the Republic of Turkey, including the representatives of the Project Companies for construction of Akkuyu NPP and Sinop NPP, and studied the readiness of the Turkish infrastructure to develop the energy sector in the Republic using the energy of peaceful atom. Upon completion of their activities, the IAEA experts provided the MENR with a number of recommendations who to organize the works while handling SNF and RAW.

The international experts invited to the seminar presented to the participants the detailed information about the IAEA international requirements and potential approaches to determine the national policy and strategy regarding SNF and RAW handling. The issues regarding the establishment of a national organization in charge of SNF and RAW handling, based on examples of Hungary, Finland, Sweden and other countries, were also brought into consideration.

Mr. Peter Ormay, the IAEA expert, when reporting at the seminar, pointed out that each IAEA member country should follow the SNF safe storage strategic program adopted by IAEA. “The Fukushima nuclear disaster showed that the compliance with the international safety standards at the construction, operation and decommissioning of nuclear facilities is essential for further development of nuclear energetics in the world”, noted the IAEA representative.

The seminar’s participants met with a great interest the presentations of Mr. Hans Forstrom from SKB (SNF and RAW handling company in Sweden) and Mr. Timo Aykas from Posiva (specialized in construction and operation of SNF and RAW storage facilities). SKB’s representative, Mr. Hans Forstrom presented the SNF storage program implemented in the Kingdom of Sweden, and reported about the financial expenses related to SNF and RAW handling and storage organization, the methods and processes of works financing. Mr. Timo Aykas raised the issue of compliance with the EU Directive for spent nuclear fuel handling for NPP. He noted that when forming the SNF handling strategy, first of all, the experience of other countries should be studied. “Today, it is impossible to develop the nuclear energy generation without mutual cooperation. The nuclear energy should promote the strengthening of relations between the countries employing the peaceful atom”, said Posiva’s representative during his report.

The RAW handling seminar also included the practical part. Each of three days of the seminar ended with practical cases. The results of case implementation were vigorously and efficiently discussed. For the Turkish party, one of the most important practical cases was the development of preliminary options of the national policy and strategy regarding SNF and RAW handling. In the conclusive part of the seminar, the participants expressed the common opinion on practical benefit of the seminar, and IAEA experts noted its effectiveness and supported a confident orientation of the Republic of Turkey to develop a “road map” of nuclear industry.

Topics: Asia, Turkey

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