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A delegation of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh paid a working visit to the construction site of Belarus NPP

Communications Department of the United Company NIAEP-ASE, PUBLISHED 16.11.2013

A delegation of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh paid a working visit to the construction site of Belarus NPP on November 12-14, 2013. The visit goal was to familiarize with results of construction and installation activities of the pre-construction period on the site and to hold negotiations to coordinate a contract for priority construction and installation activities before the first concrete on the site of Ruppur NPP.

The delegation headed by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh to the Russian Federation Saiful Hoque also included representatives of the Atomic Energy Commission, Ministry of the Science and Technology, as well as members of the expert community of Bangladesh. The United Company NIAEP-ASE – principal contractor of the Belarus NPP project and Ruppur NPP project – was represented by Vice President for South Asia Projects of NIAEP Andrey Lebedev, Director for Construction of Belarus NPP and Director of the NIAEP Representation Office Yuri Pustovoi, and other top managers of the company.

The guests took a look of the construction and installation capacities, infrastructure facilities, and familiarized with the work progress at pit excavation for Units 1 and 2 of Belarus NPP.

Representatives of the Bangladeshi delegation thanked the Belarus party and management of NIAEP for hospitality and organization of the visit and expressed their confidence that the familiarization with the work progress at the Belarus site would help them to assess a standard content and scope of the preparatory activities and solve main technical issues of drafting Contract No. 3.

Guiding the overview tour of the site, Director for Construction of Belarus NPP and Director of the NIAEP Representation Office Yuri Pustovoi emphasized that the construction activities started on April 15, 2012 and it took 15 months to complete the construction and installation base and preparatory works on the sites of Units 1 and 2.

At the presentation prepared by the Russian party the Bangladeshi delegation was made aware of the general layout of the construction and installation base of Belarus NPP and purposes of its facilities.

Also, the Russian specialists answered all questions of the Bangladeshi delegation related to the preliminary layout of similar facilities on Ruppur NPP site.

Vice President for South Asia Projects of NIAEP Andrey Lebedev also stressed that Ruppur NPP would be built to the cutting-edge Russian technologies. “We will build the newest and safest NPP, which will meet all international safety standards, as well as post-Fukushima enhanced safety requirements, and which will efficiently operate in any climatic conditions,” Andrey Lebedev noted. He also added that a decision on selection of a project for Bangladesh’s first NPP would be made at the stage of drafting the general Contract.

Topics: NPP, Asia, Belarus

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