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Rusatom Overseas became a Member of Slovak Nuclear Society

Press Service of Rusatom Overseas JSC, PUBLISHED 21.10.2013

Rusatom Overseas, a subsidiary of the Russian state corporation ROSATOM, became the Slovak Nuclear Society (SNUS) Member. SNUS is a professional association of experts in such fields as nuclear energy, nuclear technology and ionizing radiation. Membership is intended to promote the cooperation expansion between Slovak and Russian scientific and academic communities in nuclear sector.

“Slovakia and Russia have a common successful history in nuclear industry, 4 units constructed basing on Russian nuclear technologies produce more than half of the Slovak electricity. Now we are working on the common future in this field. Therefore our desire to join the Slovak partners is a logical step. The Slovak Nuclear Society is important respectable association in country’s nuclear area and we proud to become its member. I believe, our membership in SNUS will help strengthen cooperation between Slovak and Russian companies, scientists and students,”Denisa Volekova, Director of Rusatom Overseas Branch in Slovakia, stressed.

"Slovak nuclear energy traditionally stems from Russian technologies therefore we welcome the membership of Rusatom Overseas. Mentioned agreement will allow our members to enhance the interaction with one of the world leaders in nuclear technology. I believe that this cooperation will help to raise the level of knowledge, research and academicals cooperation," Vladimir Slugen, President of Slovak Nuclear Society said.

Topics: Rosatom, East Europe, Slovakia

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