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Fennovoima reports to the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority STUK ready

Fennovoima’s reports to the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority STUK ready, PUBLISHED 15.10.2013

Fennovoima has delivered reports to the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority STUK for enabling STUK to assess the safety of Rosatom's nuclear power plant. In its report, Fennovoima has assessed the safety of the plant technology and the supplier organization and how they comply with Finnish safety requirements.

The delivered reports also cover Fennovoima's management system, site and expertise of Fennovoima.

STUK is preparing to give the results of the safety assessment to the Ministry of Employment and the Economy during spring 2014. Before applying for construction license, the technical solutions of the plant are designed to fulfill the Finnish requirements.

In addition to the safety assessment, the Ministry requires Fennovoima to carry out assessment of the environmental impacts (Environmental Impact Assessment, EIA). Fennovoima submitted the EIA program for the Ministry on 17th September 2013. The national hearing process of the EIA program continues until 13th November 2013. The EIA report is to be ready next spring.

The 1200 MW reactor planned for Pyha"joki is an AES-2006 pressurized water reactor. Fennovoima’s shareholders decide by the end of October 2013 of their continuation in the project and the aim is to sign plant supply contract by end of 2013. According to the target schedule the nuclear power plant is to produce electricity in 2024.

Topics: Safety, Europe, Finland

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