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Data Leaked from S.Korean Presidential Site - Report

RIA Novosti, PUBLISHED July 04, 2013

A recent hacking attack on the South Korean presidential office led to the leak of personal information from some 100,000 people, South Korean media reported Sunday.

The compromised data include names, birth dates, ID numbers and IPs, the Yonhap news agency cited a South Korean presidential official as saying.

However, user passwords and registration numbers were not stolen because they were encrypted, the official who declined to be identified said.

The presidential office said the hacking victims, accounting for about half of registered users of its website, can seek compensation.

Unidentified hackers attacked the presidential office websites and several media organizations on June 25, the anniversary of the outbreak of the 1950-53 Korean War. Loosely associated hacking group Anonymous has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Some North Korean websites and networks were also down on June 25 after Anonymous warned of cyber attacks on the communist state.

The two Koreas remain technically "at war" since no peace treaty was signed when the Korean War ended in 1953. Tensions mounted on the Korean Peninsula earlier this year after North Korea conducted new nuclear tests.

Topics: Asia, South Korea

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