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Ivo Kouklik, viceprezident of the group Rusatom Overseas, spoke at the Slovak Energy Congress ENKO

Rusatom Overseas, PUBLISHED April 27, 2012

Ivo Kouklik, viceprezident of the company Rusatom Overseas, spoke today at the 9th Slovak Energy Congress ENKO 2012, which took place in Bratislava. The topic of his presentation was the involvement of Czech and Slovak companies in NPP construction projects realised by state corporation Rosatom.

Ivo Kouklik also spoke about the state tender for completion of NPP Temelin, in which competes the Czech-Russian consortium MIR.1200. The consortium consists of Czech company S(KODA JS, which is its leader, and Russian companies Atomstroyexport and OKB Gidropress, which are daughter companies of Rosatom.

The advantage of Czech and Slovak firms is their long-lasting experience with VVER technology, on which is based the offer of consortium MIR.1200 in the tender for completion of NPP Temelin.

„Czech and Slovak industry has vast experience not only with supplies for the construction of NPPs, but it also has long-term practice in the area of engineering. S(KODA JS is one of the leading firms with experience in construction and servicing of NPPs worldwide and is therefore a natural leader of Consortium MIR.1200 that is bidding for the completion of Temelin NPP,“ said Kouklik.

Ivo Kouklik also stressed the potential for Czech firms to get involved in supplies for foreign projects of Rosatom. From 2008 to 2011, Rosatom registers deliveries from the Czech Republic worth of approximately 2,8 billion CZK. On top of that, Czech companies currently implement contracts for Russian nuclear industry totalling more than 1,6 billion CZK. Altogether, until 2030 Rosatom plans the purchase of equipment and services for constructed NPPs worth more than 300 billion USD, which represents an enormous potential for Czech and Slovak nuclear industry.

One of the companies, which is involved in supplies for the projects of Rosatom for a long time, is Slovak firm SES Tlmace. Between 2009 and 2011 they supplied goods worth 20,4 million EUR to the Russian market. Ing. Gabriel Sirotnak, Marketing Director of SES Tlmace said: „Our company continuously provides supplies for VVER nuclear technology since 1980s. Besides Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany, Poland and Russia we have also delivered our products for Czech NPPs Temelin and Dukovany and for Slovak NPPs Mochovce and Jaslovske Bohunice. The supply for NPP Temelin and also for other projects of Rosatom globally is therefore a big opportunity for us.“

Consortium MIR.1200 is one of three bidders in the tender for completion of Temeli'n NPP 3, 4. Consortium is led by the SKODA JS company, which has invited Atomstroyexport and OKB Gidropress to a cooperation. Both companies are subsidiaries of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom. Consortium MIR.1200 offers an evolutionary project of the nuclear power plant VVER-1200, which profits from experience of more than 1290 reactor-years of VVER nuclear power plants operation. It stems from well-proven solutions with enhanced safety measures and is a unique combination of the most modern active and passive control systems, which makes it one of the best representatives of the 3+ generation.

SKODA JS a.s., as part of OMZ Group, was at the birth of Czech and Slovak nuclear power industry, is one of the leading engineering and production companies with worldwide experience in construction and service of nuclear power plants. Company Skoda was established in 1859 and the origins of its activities in nuclear power industry fall in 1956. Throughout the period of its existence, the company has supplied engineering, equipment and service for nuclear power plants, research reactors and spent fuel storage facilities in Central and Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, France, Germany, USA and the Far East. SKODA JS has produced and supplied 21 complete PWR nuclear reactors of the VVER 440 type and three reactors of the VVER 1000 type.

Rusatom Overseas, a subsidiary of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, was founded in 2011 with the aim to promote Russian nuclear technologies on a global market. Rusatom Overseas acts as Rosatom’s integrator of the comprehensive solution in nuclear power, manages the promotion of the integrated offer and development of the Russian nuclear business abroad as well as develops a network of Rosatom’s marketing offices across the world. Rusatom Overseas also acts as a developer of foreign projects of Rosatom which are implemented using the build–own–operate (BOO) approach. The president of Rusatom Overseas is Alexey Kalinin and the executive vice-president is Leos Tomicek.

Topics: Rosatom, East Europe, Czech, Slovakia

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