Stress tests will be conducted on all Japanese nuclear power plants following the Fukushima nuclear crisis, Jiji Press said on Wednesday citing Japanese economics minister Banri Kaieda.
The move is to ease concerns of residents, living in the vicinity of the plants.
A 9.0-magnitude quake struck off Japan's northeast coast on March 11, triggering a tsunami and explosions at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, which caused the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl in 1986.
Today, the army of managers is earnestly believing that one can take the man responsible for the licensing of alcoholic beverages, and put it on licensing, and even to supervise the nuclear reactor.
Christophe Behar
We are preparing now a review of these design options and the decision has to be made in 2012, by the public authorities. ASTRID basic and detailed design will be launched afterwards.