UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon will visit Chernobyl nuclear power plant on April 19 as a part of his trip through Eastern Europe, Ban's spokesman Farhan Haq said on Tuesday.
Ban sets off for the Czech Republic on April 15 before going to Hungary, Ukraine and Russia.
The main focus of the tour is nuclear safety issues, and Ban will attend a nuclear summit in Kiev devoted to the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, which happened on April 26, 1986.
Following the recent accident at Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant, Ban will discuss measures on toughening nuclear safety standards with Russian and Ukrainian officials.
Today, the army of managers is earnestly believing that one can take the man responsible for the licensing of alcoholic beverages, and put it on licensing, and even to supervise the nuclear reactor.
Christophe Behar
We are preparing now a review of these design options and the decision has to be made in 2012, by the public authorities. ASTRID basic and detailed design will be launched afterwards.
Vladimir Rychin
AREVA will return the foreign workers to the uranium deposits in Niger, which have been evacuated after the September seizure of seven hostages.